Groningen, der Aa Kerk, its first Schnitger organ

1697: New organ by Arp Schnitger

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Design of the organ 1697 by Arp Schnitger

Painting on basis of the design by Schnitger

1710: Collapse of the tower. The organ is destroyed.

1815: J.W. Timpe moves the Academiekerk organ to the der Aa-Kerk, as the Protestants are to return the Academiekerk to the Catholics; this on instigation of the Dutch authorities.


Hoofdwerk   Rugpositief   Bovenwerk   Brustwerk Pedaal  
Prestant 16' Praestant 8' Praestant 8' 6 unknown stops which were added by Schnitger above the contract Praestant 16'
Octava 8' Gedackt 8' Holpijp 8' Octava 8'
Roerfloit 8' Quintadeen 8' Salicet 8' Octava 4'
Octava 4' Octava 4' Octava 4' Mixtuir IV-V-VI
Holfluit 4' Woltfloit 2' Nasat 2 2/3' Basuin 16'
Supra Octav 2' Quint 1 1/3' Sesquialtra II Trompet 8'
Rouspijp II Sesquialt II Mixtuir IV-V-VI Schalmeij 4'
Mixtuir VI-VII-VIII Mixtuir IVV-VI Trompet 8' Cornet 2'
    Dulsiaen 8'  Vox Humana 8'